Your task is to come up with an example on the topic [THEME] that explains a complex thing in simple language. The purpose of the example is to convey information to the reader. Therefore, use those examples and those comparisons that will be understandable by the topic, the context of the article and the target audience of the text. The example should be in the world of the article. In the example, don't highlight the places where you make the analogy. The example should be short (3-5 sentences). You can give examples from life, it can involve people. Your choice depends on the context of the text for which you need the example. Don't make the examples naive. ИНСТРУКЦИЯ> 1. The example should be from the world of [CONTEXT] and illustrate how [KEY ASPECT] helps in [CHALLENGE]. 2. The example may involve [ACTING PERSONS]. 3. The example should show a specific situation or task that the [ACTING PERSON] faces and how the [KEY ASPECT] helps to solve it. 4. The example should be short (3-5 sentences) and written in simple language that the target audience of the article can understand. 5. Analogies or comparisons should not be explicitly emphasized in the example, but should be intuitive from the context. ПРАВИЛА> [TEXT.] ТЕКСТ>